Saturn the Buzz Kill to Jupiter

I am tired, drained really, I do not have much energy and I feel the energy I do have is spent doing what I have to do, I don’t really have any excess to do the things I want to do. I have the Sun in the 5th house my identity, my journey if you will is centered around love and creativity. The 5th house is the house of joy; being weighed down with extra responsibilities is exhausting.

It is very important that you tend to your natal Sun, that you nourish it with the activities suggested by the house that it is placed in. 6th house Sun, fitness time and order will really help you flourish. If you have a 9th house Sun schedule a vacation or attend a lecture. Wherever our Sun is placed we need to remember to feed it.

Energetically I always run very high I have Sun square Moon, a Cardinal T square in my chart along with a Grand Fire Trine. Cardinal signs are doers. My Mom said she was going to buy me a makeup bag that read “I am busy” because I always am. I laugh at people that have the time to correct my grammatical errors on twitter, I am pretty sure they aren’t doing all that I do in a day. Running, going, writing, working, giving readings, taken a class, on and on and on until this week I hit a wall.

The culprit; Saturn is opposite my Jupiter via transit

Saturn Rules

  • Responsibility
  • Time
  • Work
  • Boundaries
  • Lessons
  • Practicality Zzzzzzz

According to Jeanne Avery in Astrological Aspects Your Inner Dialogs

Saturn “describes shoulds, musts, and ought’s”

“Saturn is the testing ground of life and indicates the greatest karmic lesson to be learned”

I don’t do Saturn very well.

I believe if you look to the natal chart you will see how hard a transit for you will be. Not all astrologers believe this; I think if you are heavy say Plutonian Pluto transits will be easier for you because you are familiar with that energy. I have Pluto square my Sun, opposite my Moon exact, trine Jupiter, sextile Saturn, Neptune & Midheaven and trine my Ascendant. Pluto is woven into me, death and rebirth it all comes naturally. I just finished a Pluto opposite Sun square Moon transit and it was pretty much all gravy.

But Saturn transits god you can find me lying in bed weeping.

I am just not very good with rules and structure I prefer to be free floating.

Saturn is now opposing my natal Jupiter in the 4th house it will be exact on New Year’s Eve Oh the joy

Jupiter Represents

  • Expansion
  • Optimism
  • Good Luck
  • Joy

“The Jupitarian quality is a marvelous combination of practicality and enthusiasm. The reverse quality is disappointment. If the aim is too high and the goals are missed the individual can be paralyzed by the letdown” –Jeanne Avery

You want to look where Jupiter and Sagittarius are placed in your natal chart to see where you feel lucky or optimistic. I have Sagittarius on my Midheaven, I think this gives me a hope that things will work out and when they don’t, I would say I am greatly disappointed. I usually work from an inner knowing which stems from my natal Jupiter in the 4th house. The 4th house is the root of the chart and reflects what we carry deep within us among other things. So, I have never been a 5-year planner I am a go with the flow listen to my own guidance sort of person.

I intuit mostly everything I do. I announced the other day at work I was booking a trip to Machu Piccchu and my colleague said Oh Peru…I had no idea where it even was! I sort of get called to do things

I have written before that I do not feel Jupiter brings us lotto wins or grand romances, I think it infuses the planet or house with an optimism and belief that everything will be ok and usually it is until it isn’t.

And that brings me to Saturn opposite Jupiter

Saturn squashes the belief, the optimism, the joy that Jupiter holds. It tests (Saturn always tests) your beliefs, your truths, your inner workings (if Jupiter is in the 4th house).

Robert Hand writes in his book Planets in Aspect about Saturn opposite Jupiter transit

“During this time your opportunities for growth and expansion are limited”.


“You often feel as if your personal freedom is unduly limited by others”.

“This transit is a useful if not always pleasant encounter with reality”

Saturn squelches the joy and optimism of Jupiter don’t let anyone ever tell you any different.

For those of you that have this natal oppositions can work like a swinging door so you can be optimistic, joyful, overly eager and then fall victim to Saturn the disappointment, melancholy, and depression can kick in. Robert Plletier writes in “Planets in Aspect” those that have this natal

“You fluctuate between knowing what you are worth to having doubts about your value”

I know this isn’t the worst transit, (those will happen for me in 2018 when Saturn enters Capricorn, I seriously just finished recovering from Saturn in Libra) that’s the beauty that comes with age when you are young you think this will never end, when you are older and know astrology you can simply open your ephemeris and say I may have to drag my uninspired tired ass all the way through December but as of January 1st this transit is over and I can go back to being my high energy manic self perhaps with a few lessons in the bag.

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