Saturn Transiting 8th House, Show Me The Money

Saturn entered my 8th house over a year ago and I cannot wait for him to make his way out! Having Pluto and Uranus in my natal 8th house I’m accustomed to sudden change, introspection, seeking the truth and depths of situations. But Saturn in 8th house squaring my sun and opposing my moon has been dreadful. Life has been difficult to say the very least. The 8th house rules death, other people’s money, sex not in a love affair fun sort of way like the 5th house, but more of a plutonian type. It’s hidden, scandalous, and obsessive. They say where there is Saturn there is karma to be worked off, needless to say I have been working my ass off. I’m not the same as I was before. I feel like an orange, peeling a layer and another layer and as I shed my skin I just long to get to the juicy part. The good part, a better part of me.

Some Lessons of Saturn in 8th house

The House of Other Peoples Money

Saturn Transiting the 8th house often indicates a lack of help in finances. It rules the money of other people. The 2nd house is the money you earn. Saturn transiting the 8th house gives you a feeling of having to do everything on your own. Feeling utterly overwhelmed . You can have enough money, but some how it isn’t enough and you will find people seldom want to help you while Saturn is in your 8th house. I must admit money has never played a bigger part in my life than in this year. I have worked since I was 14; I have traveled to Europe throughout the Caribbean and across the US on my own merit, putting myself through college and saving up to purchase my own home. Natal Saturn in the 6th house indicates everything I acquire is via my own effort. To be frank I have little regard or respect for people who simply have things handed to them. That being said this year has been one obstacle after another, financial road blocks and major setbacks. I was approved for a mortgage, but denied by a condo board, I’ve been through lost applications, hidden fees, flip taxes oh my! It has taken a toll on my being and there have been many nights I have thrown myself a pity party. Why me? Why is this happening? Recently I met a depressed former love for drinks (he has Saturn transiting his 7th YIKES); I said you have the house, the cars, the children and I feel like I have nothing. He was quick to assure me that money doesn’t equate happiness and sometimes a “pretty picture” Is simply that. A picture not a reality. Saturn lesson number 1; all that glitters isn’t gold. This one is going to take a while.

Lessons of Saturn

The House of Sharing & Intimacy

Natally most of my planets fall below the horizon, the focus on my stuff (Moon in 2nd house), My way of thinking (Mars in the 3rd house) my neighbors (Venus in 3rd house), my house & my roots (Jupiter in 4th house), My love affairs & my creative abilities (Sun in 5th house) my job (Mercury in the 6th house) and my health habits (Saturn in 6th house). Me Me Me! Saturn transiting my 8th house has changed the way in which I see relationships. Making me realize in order for any relationship to work there has to be a 50/50 give and take.Thinking in terms of “us” not how will this effect me. With an Aries moon it is always “me first”. It has completely gutted the way in which I relate to the people around me. Coming face to face with my own inadequacies, learning that people are not perfect. No one is perfect. After a series of events that occurred leaving me devastated I was forced to go to others for help, lean on others for support and assistance. I’m the type of person that prefers to handle things alone, I rarely ask for favors but that has simply not been the case the last year or so. As I have had to depend on others to pick me up and dust me off when the purchase of my home fell through and a 100 other things went wrong. I feel as though I’m stretching and growing inside, but as painful as it has been I believe at the end of this transit, I will view it as a cathartic process.

Lessons of Saturn

Obsessions, Dark Love, Sex

Saturn in the 8th house will bring you face to face with your inner fears, the things you deny, perhaps haven’t even admitted to yourself. If you’re generally possessive in love it will bring you face to face with a love you cannot possess. Controlling tendencies, Saturn in the 8th house will bring relationships beyond control. It will drag to the surface all that lies beneath, pulling out your heart and stomping on the very fragment of your being while doing so. One quote that comes to mind:

You will encounter people who will serve as mirrors, mirroring back to you all that you lack. Circumstances that bring out your worst tendencies. Its painful. But you can use these times to grow and build on them. Release old behaviors that no longer serve you.

Lessons of Saturn


Thankfully no one I know has died, growing up with Pluto in the 8th house I’m accustomed to those I love dying…. Prematurely. I still have a year left. At this rate; fingers crossed. Perhaps more so I feel as though a part of me is passing away. There is the me before the Saturn transit blissfully unaware of so many things. I have come to know the darkest parts of me, what motivates me, what renders me helpless, what I yearn for….I feel the past far beneath me as I attempt to climb up from nothingness. It is the end of an era. That is the only way in which I can describe it. Funny enough unbeknownst to me my numerological year is Year number 9. Entitled the end of an era. It’s a year of completion. Paying Karmic debts.

Saturn Lessons

Where you find Saturn, you will find Karmic Debts

They say Saturn Transiting your 8th house is a time to settle the Karmic Debt for the emotional choices you have made earlier in life. Am I paid up yet?? There is me BS and AS Before Saturn and After Saturn transiting my 8th house. It has been painful and dark. I feel as though all I hoped for did not manifest. My dreams remain just that dreams. I have been hurt and I have been angry and above all I have experienced disappointment in love and in life. However I can see with 20/20 vision mistakes I have made. I’m learning the lessons of Saturn, to depend on people….but ah-ha be careful which people you depend on. No one is perfect. Love sometimes hurts and sometimes its beautiful. God willing you will be denied something or someone because someone or something GREATER is waiting. And most importantly I think I have learned that you have to live life in your own time, do things at your own pace and although I believe in fate something bigger than all of us is in charge. I have to give up my need to control everything. Breathe. Exhale. Look for the lessons because if you don’t get it the first time, it will come around a 2nd time. Forgive those that disappoint you because to wake up angry every day defeats YOU! Let go let life take you where ever it decides. Saturn transiting your 8th house demands you let go….


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