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War Machine & Christy Mack: The explosive synastry


War Machine & Christy Mack in happier times

While glazing over TMZ I came across the story of MMA fighter War Machine and his adult film star ex girlfriend. Allegedly (I say allegedly at the time of this posting he was not yet convicted) he beat her breaking 18 of her bones, sawed off her hair and knocked out her teeth.

You can read the full story here and see the pictures I will not post as they are very graphic
I am not familiar with either of them but took a moment to review their synastry. Had an astrologer reviewed it, they likely could have very well predicted that domestic abuse would have been a theme in this relationship. Someone recently asked me about Mars and Pluto in aspect in synastry; it is considered the domestic violence aspect Pluto Lord of the Underworld; power and control meeting up with Mars God of War and action via square equals tension, conflict this can’t be good especially when combined with other  “bad” aspects.

No one aspect can be used as a standalone, I’m in no way suggesting you to look at one aspect in a chart and run for your life. After all a chart comparison with all trines and sextiles will bore you to death! But when you have several I would say 3 or more harsh aspects particularly involving Saturn, Mars, and Pluto; there may be a cause for concern. Aside from Mars square Pluto; War Machine and Christy also have Moon opposite Mars; Moon in astrology is your comfort zone, it’s the planet that rules your security, and here is someone’s Mars the planet associated with aggressive young men, ruler of knives and guns opposing your Moon. Christy has a sensitive moon in Pisces with War Machines Mars in Virgo opposing her emotional state, this indicates fights that are heightened emotionally, feelings swing high and low, and to be blunt Mars is never sensitive Mars wants what is wants and on her Moon; her femininity we see the brute force he allegedly applies to her; chopping her hair, beating her face and the attempted rape.

Each chart individually has a propensity to attract troubling relationships; Christy Mack has Sun in exact opposition to Pluto the Sun rules the men in our lives; with the opposition from Pluto she will likely attract dominant men , what is War Machines quote on twitter “I do alpha male shit”. In his chart he has Venus square Pluto this indicates love is all or nothing he has joked in the media prior that he would kill her if they broke up

War Machine joked about killing Christy Mack if they broke up (Video)

When Venus planet of love meets Pluto planet of domination and control; this indicates love is possession. He also has Pluto square Moon indicating his issue with needing to control women, he probably possesses depth of emotion, similar to Venus square Pluto he will experience “love” as all or nothing. I find the couples that most often appear on Dateline who murder their spouse have Pluto in hard aspect to Venus.

These aspects do not guarantee out right physical abuse but when Pluto is involved there is always this underlying not entirely normal component to the connection; control, stalking and a feeling of needing to win. I often think Pluto contacts are like a chess game. Pluto has patience determination and is always looking to declare checkmate whether it’s via emotional upheaval or psychological warfare.  This is why you often read “Pluto always has the upper hand”.

I also want to mention that sometimes two people come together and bring out the worst in one another. I remember I was in an astrology class discussing OJ and Nicole Brown Simpson I believe her Uranus energy (unconventional, unorthodox, irregularity) fell in OJ’s 6th house of routine and order my instructor said her energy would be unsettling everyday to his routine. She brought that energy to him. I am in NO way implying a woman is at fault; I am simply bringing to your awareness the way someone’s planets fall on your planets act like a permanent transit; it’s always active so if someone’s Pluto falls on your personal planets the theme will always be digging, depth, darkness, obsession, power and control but you can meet someone else and maybe you don’t have any Pluto ties with them but instead have several Neptune connections so that relationship will be compassionate, telepathic, kind, surreal. If someone’s Uranus falls in your 6th house for as long as you know them you will find them unsettling to your daily routine.

In short you can’t choose who you love but you can chose what you do about those you love. Some connections aren’t healthy or normal and when we can use astrology to bring awareness to these connections and hopefully recognize patterns before it is too late.

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