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The Loss of a Job and the rule of 3


Astrologically most astrologers like to see a confirmation in more than one area when making a prediction. I like to stick with the rule of 3 which I will demonstrate in this post. I had advised my friend I saw a change in job and perhaps some financial restraints a year prior to him losing his job. I didn’t predict him being terminated because he works in a Union related position (no he is NOT in law enforcement) and I will tell you he is innocent on every account and in the end, he chose to resign. I don’t want to get into it more but I do want to show you how

He was suspended and then officially terminated during a Full Moon phase.

Full Moons are for culmination, they are representative of endings

No Full Moon weddings please **************

A few times I have been to events where people are using Full Moons to bring forth newness and I cringe, that is what New Moons are about.

Full Moons occur when the Sun is opposite the Moon they relate to endings, they signify being torn in 2 directions as the Full Moon is across 2 houses in the natal chart.

He was terminated when the Full Moon was on his Midheaven this is the house of career and reputation.

Also, Uranus planet of change and unexpected; things you do not see coming is squaring his Venus tight tight, the tighter the aspect the more it is felt. Uranus squared Venus the planet of money, located in his 6th house of work and Venus is the planet that rules his Midheaven (Taurus is on the 10th house cusp) in less than 1 degree. Indicating a shake up with money and career.

I think if Pluto had not just entered his 6th house of work this may have gone another way-Pluto in Capricorn rules “the man” power struggles, when Pluto is involved he is coming for your entire life. Pluto in the 6th doesn’t always = termination for some like Rob Kardashian it equals BIG health issues. I’m so tired of saying this but: you have to look at the whole chart. So, Pluto ruler of power struggles, placed in Capricorn sign of “the man” has just reentered his 6th house of employment, day to day activities, his routine. It forms an exact square to his moon indicating an emotional upset likely related to work.

Those transits alone could predict his job loss but I think the solar return (the true yearly horoscope) showed this entire situation with a lot less work.  The Moon and Uranus are placed in the 6th house of work. This almost always indicates a change in job. Where ever Uranus and the Moon are placed in the Solar Return chart you can expect a change.

Saturn often shows where we are blocked and restricted and it is located in his 2nd house of money earned.  When you lose employment, you want to look at the money houses as well.

His Progressed Moon is also in Capricorn-this indicates emotionally geared toward work and accomplishment, again this can indicate job changes. On the exact day he was terminated it entered his 6th house. For me; I quit smoking when it entered my 6th. The 6th house rules health, work and routine anything we do on a day to day basis.

During Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn in his 6th house of work while Pluto transited the 6th and conjunct his Venus he was able to submit his resignation and reach a financial agreement.

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