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Saturn; Men that mistreat and have an inability to relate to women


I have been thinking about men that have an inability to relate or treat women well lately. As accusations have popped up in the media I have periodically checked the accused Natal Charts and felt the majority of those whose behavior was questionable almost if not always had an afflicted Moon and/or Venus. The Moon and Venus are the feminine principals in the natal chart. The Moon is associated with our needs and our relationship with women starting with our own Mother and Venus correlates with the relationship aspect; it represents how we receive and reciprocate love.

Almost all of the men listed have Moon in Capricorn, Venus or Moon in Hard aspect to Saturn or Venus in Capricorn (at least the ones I am familiar with)

Charlie Rose
Harvey Weinstein
James Toback
Ray Moore
Louis CK
Brett Ratner
Paul Haggis
Tony Robbins

This is NOT to say everyone will have the Harvey Weinstein way of abusing women, but having the Moon or Venus in the 10th house, in Capricorn or having Venus or the Moon in hard aspect (conjunction, square, opposition) to Saturn suggests at the very least an inability to relate to women and perhaps a propensity to disregard women, love, and the emotional side of oneself.

Anytime we are speaking of Saturn aspects and planets in Capricorn; along with personal planets; we are speaking of restrictive and an uncomfortable expression of the planet. Personal planets placed in Capricorn are awkward in expression, serious and melancholic. After all they are filtered through Saturn.

Saturn is the planet of authority in astrology, where it is placed a person feels blocked and restricted. Saturn placements come with fear and apprehension. So when we have Saturn associated with the Moon there is an inherit fear of perhaps opening up emotionally and when Saturn correlates to Venus at the VERY least an inability or struggle to give and receive love. That part of us is blocked and takes a bit of work to overcome.

Let’s take a look at Saturn described by various astrologers:

“It is Saturn’s nature to play a specific role, which is parental, and authoritive and which speaks to the wayward child within. The kind of authority Saturn represents is also sternly patriarchal. It stands for cold logic, structure, and discipline” –Katharine Merlin

So the person that has Saturn afflicting or in aspect to their personal planets wants to hold all of the control. There is an element of not wanting to meet someone ½ way. I have Saturn in my 7th house so I know this well. I attract ridged types and I am also aware of my tendency in the past to want things completely my way or the high way. But there is no place in love for rigid behavior or making demands, love needs to flow like water, free and unencumbered.

Saturn’s energy can be restrictive and miserly think of the 4 of pentacles Tarot card which is associated with Mars in Capricorn this is the person- (IMO)-that looks like someone that is blocked off to love, holds everything close to the vest, guarding the heart chakra with a big pentacle.

“Because Saturn’s energy is naturally constrictive wherever Saturn is found in the natal chart there is often an area or part of life characterized by a sense of lack or even emptiness. For this reason a strongly placed Saturn can indicate a dominant sense of inadequacy in the basic character structure, fear. Rigidly and insecurity often covered up by behavior which blindly conforms to external values and to the voice of authority” –Katharine Merlin

“Difficult aspects between Saturn and other planets indicate blocks between the conscience/superego and the other parts of psyche and its within such aspects that many neurotic conflicts take shape” –Katharine Merlin

All of this energy is carried over to the intimate relationships when Saturn is associated with Moon and Venus in a man’s natal chart. SO here you have the attitude of

I am in charge

I am the boss

I say when

I am the one to dictate, plan and control

The ever defiant: I will not let you in

“Saturn is the no saying parent as well as the withholding, denying, and even punitive outer experience. The effect is blockage and contraction as well as inner conflict and fear” –Katharine Merlin

Anyone that has ever cared for one of these men can tell you it is like having a door slammed in your face again and again. All of the inherit defense mechanisms are activated in relationships as well as the unconscious fear of not being truly lovable.

It would seem the harder you try to get close to them often the more outlandishly unacceptable the behavior becomes.

The swing is wide with this variety of men anywhere from the Harvey Weinsteins to those that remain trapped IN fear consciousness and run away from intimacy, often projecting the lack on to intimate partners in seek of perfection.

Moon In Capricorn or in hard aspect to Saturn or in the 10th house

The Moon is not well placed in Capricorn; it is similar to Saturn in the 4th house, Moon in the 10th house and Moon in hard aspect to Saturn. This reflects the coolness of the mother figure, perhaps growing up in an environment where the child had to act as an adult, or the Mother was inhibited in showing emotional expression. In turn the child turns into an adult that is emotionally repressed, distant and has difficulty expressing affection, this is a common placement in those that over drink and can show an inability to connect with women in an easy manner.

Some Famous men with this placement –George Clooney, he married later in life, Brad Pitt who has recently opened up about his alcohol addiction, Johnny Depp, Gerard Butler, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Matt Damon, Ryan Gosling , David Beckham and Andrew McCarthy he has moon in Capricorn and Saturn square Venus and has been very open about his fear of commitment.

Moon in Capricorn: “ruled by Saturn which is structuring and extremely controlling energy; tend to hold the Moons energy in; an uncomfortable, place for its emotionality and changeability to operate. –Katharine Merlin

Moon in Capricorn: “like the rings of Saturn this guy surrounds himself with a protective wall, striving not to rely on anyone. He draws clear boundaries so nobody gets to close. The safest emotion is well controlled-depression-anger, aggression and even joy are too apt to rock the boat” –Donna Cunningham

Moon in Capricorn: “instinctive reactions to life that are characterized by self-control and caution, and sometimes by defensiveness or negativity that is almost shocking” –Stephen Arroyo

On the challenging end planets and points placed in Capricorn are depressing; Saturn squelches all the joy and jubilance out of the placement, making it restricted, fearful and cautious. (I believe hard aspects can be overcome with conscious awareness and effort)

Not only will a man with moon in Capricorn or in hard aspect be strongly melancholic and have difficulty relating to women they also have an underlining fear of not getting their own needs met.

When we see the moon making a hard aspect to Saturn or Saturn placed in the 4th house or the moon placed in the 10th house the emotions are unable to freely flow they are repressed and blocked. If a man can not relate to himself emotionally (or any gender for that matter) how will they be able to adequately relate, respect and understand the emotions of a woman? Unless they are actively choosing a life geared toward breaking karmic, parental/societal conditioning, toxic masculinity and patriarchal dominance. These aspects suppress the yin energy within oneself, hence they are cut off and do not have access to it.

Moon square Saturn: “A male with this aspect feels that women are not to be trusted…he may feel that it isn’t masculine to care, to be emotional to be responsive” – Donna Cunningham

Moon opposite Saturn: “some of these men marry women they do not love and carry on love affairs outside the marital relationship, for they don’t wish to establish a secure marriage with someone they love. The attitude seems to be based on the fear of loss of love” –Donna Cunningahm

Moon Opposite Saturn: “Some men feel they cannot demonstrate love on an emotional level, contact with women is merely sexual” –Donna Cunnigham

Venus in Capricorn, Venus in hard aspect to Saturn or Venus in the 10th house

Venus in Capricorn: “There is a great deal of self-control and self-containment. The deeper emotions are rather hard to express and they would rather show their feelings or appreciation for another person through action or duty rather than verbalization” –Stephen Arroyo

Venus in Capricorn: “Authority and control are two keynotes of the sign of Capricorn and they are expressed here as a need to have some kind of control over other people in most types of relationships or to recognize issues of power in interpersonal dealings” –Stephen Arroyo

Venus square Saturn: “this square shows a great deal of contractedness, fear and inhibition, -in terms of the ability to love and be loved in return……..the problem is that for various of reasons on a deeply internal and unconscious level there’s an ingrained conviction that one is not lovable, so that those who do show love are viewed with suspicion and ultimately rejected while those who withhold love galvanize and fascinate” –Katharine Merlin

Venus opposite Saturn: “Like the square this opposition shows emotional contradiction and inhibition. Outward forms-duty, obligation and role playing often take precedence over the hearts inclinations…..the female principal and maternal image tends to be negative; vulnerability and needs are perceived as weakness”- Katharine Merlin

Venus Opposite Saturn: “This often represents an individual who has losses in love because the psyche is programmed to lose; this individual may fall in love, with someone who is unavailable or with someone who dies or makes him intensely miserable” – Betty Lundstead

Regarding Saturn in aspect to Venus generally speaking Betty Lundsted: “The hard aspects between these planets sometimes cause an individual to pursue only career goals, for the emotional life may be suppressed”. If we become a victim of the aspect we often create the same relationship problems our parents had, we project our parents’ values onto those people we love and we may develop an extremely pessimistic attitude about loving. When pessimism is rampant it usually indicates that all the energies are put into the accumulation of money, for money is a trustable commodity”.

Some famous men with Saturn square or opposite Venus; Again we see Johnny Depp, we also have Robert Deniro, Bruce Willis, Bill Maher, James Franco, Jude Law, Gerard Butler, Matt Damon, Frank Sinatra, Michael Phelps, (a lot of politicians have the opposition ) John McCain, Ted Cruz are 2 samples off the top.

You can see the ability to give and receive love is challenged; a person with these aspects may go towards someone unavailable and walk away from someone totally free. Naturally we must always look at the person’s entire natal chart to make full proper assessments as well as see how far they are in their personal life journey. It is not uncommon for men with this aspect to put up barriers (Saturn) when it comes to love, isolate themselves or shun and devalue the feminine parts of one’s self and the feminine principal in others in lieu of more worldly tangible accomplishments. At worst they are the Harvey Weinsteins of the world or they remain so tightly in their own self-protective bubble you will never be able to penetrate their walls.

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